Sunday, October 6, 2019

You Say Hello, I Say Goodbye...

After watching the cycle of Sunday morning talking head political shows, I felt saddened. I usually enjoy these types of shows, among other things, as a way to stay up on politics and the happenings of the moment.

Today, I felt like we as a country have gotten to a place of utter disgust.  I felt like I was watching children having a temper tantrum.  The politicians weren't listening, they were yelling and showing zero respect for the host or commentator.  
Both sides are so far from finding common ground on ANYTHING, I don't see how we could ever recover.
Our political parties are so far apart nowadays, they don't even seem to be living in the same realities.  I'm not usually a "negative Nellie", but I'm feeling less than optimistic lately. 

Today, I feel more and more drawn to a life of an expat. I'm figuring how I can make it a reality because I'm not sure I want to live amongst this sort of drama and animosity. 

Why can't grown adults come together to have civil and respectful conversations to find common ground for the good of ALL?! It doesn't seem like rocket science to me, but I'm just an everyday, common working American.

I have varying opinions and beliefs from my friends, family and clients, BUT I'm able to have open conversations with them in a civil and understanding way. Do you know why??? Because I love them and respect them as human beings. I realize that in most cases, different does NOT mean wrong, it just means different. I think our elected politicians and leaders could use a lesson in this simple concept.

So for now, I'll continue planning my future that may or may not include living in the US. As the Beatles said, 'you say hello, I say goodbye'..... 

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