Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Overwhelmed and Understimulated

Is it possible to be overwhelmed with your career/job and to also be under-stimulated at the same time?

This is an interesting question because I think it's possible. I am currently feeling this way and let me tell you, it's weird.

I can tell you, I have felt overwhelmed with the day to day operations of running my salon and working behind the chair to take care of my clients. There are days where it feels never ending. But here's the weird thing, I have also felt under stimulated in my career. I feel as though I've lost my passion or spark in working behind the chair with my clients. I am finding that I no longer want to venture out and be as creative as I once was. I feel as though my mind and heart are no longer engaged in my career, but I feel stressed at the same time.

Why, and more importantly how, does this happen? I'll tell you why and how... it's called burnout. It's a very real thing. I think burnout happens when we don't set appropriate boundaries in our careers. I see this happen so often with those who are business owners. We give and give and give in order to satisfy our customers and in turn, give too much and teach our customers how to treat us. We aren't setting healthy boundaries. We are so worried about losing the sale or losing that client, we can't find it in us to say "no".

I wonder where we got this idea of "the customer is always right" or "customer is king". These ideas and mindsets are why small business owners are retiring early or why people are feeling so defeated in their careers. We are overworked, underpaid and understimulated. In a word, we are suffering burnout.

So, what are some things we can do to set boundaries to help keep that spark or passion alive?? Here are a few things I've personally tried and have had success with.

1. Ask for help. Maybe it's as simple as asking your spouse or significant other to watch the store for a couple hours while you go for a walk or take a break. Or maybe you need help with completing a task, two sets of hands are always better than one!

2. Reconnect to your why. Take a look inside yourself and remember why you started this business. Why are you working this business? By defining or redefining your 'why', you can get that motivation back to stay focused and achieve the goal.

3. Adjust your schedule. Maybe you need to dial back and give yourself an extra day to just be you. Maybe that means a lazy day with no one at home but you. Or perhaps it could be a day where you allow yourself creative freedom to create art of some kind. Allowing yourself that extra time might just be what your brain needs.

4. Make a list of your top 3 things to accomplish for the day. Once those are marked off, make another top 3 list. A list of three isnt nearly as overwhelming as a list of 10. Take the tasks in smaller bite sized chunks so when you accomplish the three items, you feel success.

5. Go for a walk, run or get some fresh air. Sometimes just simply walking away, closing the shop and getting outside is all it takes to reset your mind and get it focused again. I know, personally, there is nothing better than a nice walk to help me clear my mind and get things back in line. 

6. Journal your thoughts, ideas and frustrations. Sometimes simply writing these things down helps clear your mind allows you to see things for what they are. I have found that blogging helps me get things out and once I do that, I feel a release. 

I hope these tips will help you in the day to day in your careers. The key is to know that you aren't alone. So many others feel what you're feeling or have felt it in the past. Remember that you are only one person and boundaries are a necessity for a healthy work/life balance. Don't be afraid to take care of yourself first. After all, you can't take care of your customers or clients if you have nothing left to give.

So remember when you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, under-stimulated and just plain blah...  take some time to step back, set healthy boundaries and take care of yourself. You'll be glad you did! 

Take care, keep traveling and much love! 


Friday, September 6, 2019

Fearless Females who Travel Solo and LOVE IT: Part 3

I have to say, this series has been so much fun!! I've been able to connect with some remarkable women that I admire SO MUCH!!  These ladies are fearless, passionate and so full of life, how could I not admire them???!!

The next feature is a personal friend who I wanted to showcase because of just how PROUD I am of her!!  She traveled solo this past summer for the very first time. She took on the road and headed out to the western United States. We are from the same small town in middle America, so this was a daunting trip to many. Not to Kelly!!

A little back story on Kelly, she is a K-5 fine arts teacher in a local small school. She has a working farm with cattle, donkeys, chickens and even a few fish!!  She is married and has 4 children. BUT.... those kids are ALL under the age of 7 AND its TWO sets of TWINS!!! You read that correctly. Kelly is the proud mommma of TWO sets of twins!! Whew, just typing that makes me exhausted! 

When I asked her why she chose to travel solo, I LOVED her response and I hope it resonates with other moms out there.

"As a mom to 2 sets of twins, I need to reconnect and do self care.  I also want to be an example for my children that the world isn't a bad place, there are good people everywhere and they can do brave things as well."

How perfect is that response?! As mothers, we all want to be an example for our kids and embarking solo on a trip is such an incredible way to show them!

I was also curious about whether she was afraid during her trip, since it was her very first trip...

"Amazingly enough, I never felt afraid while traveling solo. I was a little worried when I was car sick while riding the shuttle up to Pike's Peak and couldn't really overcome it because of the (thin) air. Other than that, just the initial nerves upon embarking on my journey. The best part is meeting new people and learning their story."

YES!! I can't agree more! Traveling alone helps me to slow down, talk to more people and listen to their stories. Everyone has a story and everyone wants to share their story. Traveling solo allows me to truly focus on the new, interesting people I meet along the way. 

I hope Kelly's story has inspired you to take that first step and go at it solo. She has so many things in her life that COULD be used as excuses why to NOT travel, but she uses them as her inspiration and her reasons! She is being a remarkable mom by refilling her cup and showing her kids bravery and courage!

Kelly doesn't have a blog yet, but she kept a journal and as soon as she does start a blog, I'll be sure to share with you all! 

This series has been such an uplifting and inspiring series for me. It reaffirms why I travel solo and it encourages me to see that more and more women are choosing bravery and choosing to fill their cup with travel!

Keep traveling and Much Love!


This Moment Is Everything.

I was fortunate to travel to Alaska for 9 days in June. The wildness, beauty and expanse of Alaska is something everyone should experience i...